
Don't Miss: Playful Infrastructure @ NAC

There's a new post up today at the NAC Daily Report (the blog of Next American City magazine) from yours truly. Sample below, link right here. Once you're done checking out the other Wherebloggers' recent posts right here on the home turf (scroll down!), hop on over to NAC and take a peek.

It makes sense for urban designers and planners to consider play as a conduit in the system of places that develop a city’s talent pool. Things like playgrounds, sports facilities and the like should be arranged in a manner where safe, engaging facilities are available to all children—which is often not the case in our cities.

Promisingly, playspace advocacy group KaBOOM, creators of the Playful City USA program, recently launched a campaign called 100,000 Playspaces in 100 Days through which Dancing With the Stars winner Julianne Hough will donate a dollar to children’s charities for every play place in the United States marked by users on a map...

Here's that link again.

(Photo from Skira.)

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