Pecha Kucha
- BroLab used Q32 bus line between Flux Factory & Momenta Art to stage "Bench Press"; created a template & built benches along bus lines.
- Project allowed people to see benches building built, get a sense of the work that went into them.
- Did 12-15 live-build installations of benches at bus stops over the course of one day.
Vertical Theory, Karen Mackay
- Wanted to find solutions for large-scale sustainability issues on a local level; looked at urban farms as a solution
- Cities = limited horizontal outdoor space; how do we grow food here? Farmscrapers need lots of time & $, but VT looks at how do non-horizontal farming in a more DIY way
- Looked @ hydroponics, wooly pockets, not nobody was doing these two things together; started doing prototypes to use piping in pockets to distribute water
- Also working on creating prototypes in glass; harder to be DIY, but can still have an impact and get people thinking
TreeKIT, Sophie Plitt
- Urban trees have many benefits: "Trees really make cities; although they're extremely ubiquitous, we don't always see them for how valuable they are."
- NYC is relying on individuals, developing a stewardship model. Not really working yet.
- TreeKIT hias developed a "Track, See, Collect" mapping model to increase stewardship. Currently collecting the data to allow people to track their stewardship.
- Draw people [general public] into the data-collection process - "Participatory action research"
Bus Roots, Marco Antonio Castro
- MTA has 4,500 buses: if every bus had a green roof, that = 35 acres of new greenspace (that's about 4 Bryant Parks)
- It's a network of mobile parks that can go to the places that need them, "A network of moving gardens rolling around the city"
- Prototype was built using a van; Castro developed it as part of an artist residency in New London; another was done on a small bus in Guadalajara
Bring to Light, Anna Muessig
- Nuit Blanche events are one-night events that transform public space w/light from dusk to dawn; first Bring to Light happened in Greenpoint, BK, on Oct 1st 2011
- Created a temporary public path along the waterfront (normally private space)--NYC has a long-term plan to make that path permanently public (example of using art to help people visualize change)
- Had to work with private developers to gain access to a lot of places
- Doing a nuit blanche is unique; uses industrial space, becomes more of a tactical intervention
- Project increased public access to waterfront, changed the way people inhabited streets at night, and used art as a wedge to advance an urban agenda
- De Certeau: Strategy is the tool of the planner, tactics is the tool of the pedestrian
- Raise collective intelligence and cohesion of pedestrian
- Tomorrow Lab's idea: Small objects can lead to big change!
- Industrial designers can help create things that shape cities; objects help to shape cities, every object is designed
- Tomorrow Lab created downloadable instructions and DIY kits for creating hydroponic systems for urban environments
- Want to flip the typical planning process on its head and make things
- Three ideas behind Tomorrow Lab: Meet to Make (leave a residue when you meet); Communicate assembly instructions (if it can be repeatable, make sure that it is); Publish Online early, iterate!
- Challenge: Velib in Paris is amazing but very infrastructure-intensive
- Rzepecki joined the NYC DOT around the time of the Times Square closure; founded I Bike NY
- Filed a patent in June 2009 to build locking mechanism into bikes and track with GPS; low-intensity infrastructure
- Gained exposure & support through the Pepsi Refresh crowdfunding project; as a result, stepped up prototyping efforts
- Connected bikes to an app that maps available bikes nearby
Enabling City, Chiara Camponeschi
- From urbanization to overconsumption--the way cities decide to address these issues and increase livability, we need to think about new ways of experimenting and being more curious
- Who we include, variety of constituencies, makes a crucial difference
- EC is a toolkit for creating enabling places of participation.
- How can we engage our neighbors and work together to "create networks of urban solidarity"?
- Cities need to open up spaces for public experimentation.
- "If cities aren't 'enabling,' then what are they and who are they helping?"
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