It's that time again, folks. The weekend is here at last, and it looks like it might actually be a nice one in Chicago. If you're supposed to get crappy weekend weather, these links might actually be useful!
ITEM ONE: Mayor Daley wants Chicago to host the Olympics in 2016, but there are a few hurdles left to clear. Unfortunately for him, many of them happen to be the Windy City's citizens. (Via No Land Grab.)
ITEM TWO: The first Jane Jacobs awards are given to two urban innovators in New York.
ITEM THREE: The best book this year about San Francisco? SFGate thinks it's "The Suburbanization of New York".
ITEM FOUR: Wired features an article that serves as a great follow-up to yesterday's post on the Dawn of Digital Urbanism. (Via The Map Room.)
ITEM FIVE: This is even better -- an imagined glimpse of geo-blogging DC, Berlin, Dubai, Mumbai, and Torino in 2017. (Photo credit to Wired.)
Adios, compadres. Have a great weekend.

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